Monday, June 29, 2009


The sores you see above were on my thighs and hips and spreading upwards. My torso itched and burned and felt like I was being bitten 24/7 but no large sores. It's could make anyone seriously go insane. Especially since doctors are really not helping. Red sores were just starting to show up on my inner arm when I began zapping. After using my zapper it was as if the Morgellons was stopped dead in its' tracks, literally. All of my pores turned bright red, it was so weird! like each tiny pore had blood in it. I got really really hot and then the itching and biting just stopped! Well it went from a constant fiery assault to... wait is that it? Minor itching eventually it just stopped. Completely gone. Over the next few days tiny white bumps appeared all over my torso. It's hard to see in the photo. If you click on it it's a little better. Eventually those disappeared too. I have no scars. Morgellons was a horrible experience. I'm so thankful I found a solution so quickly. Please try a zapper if you are suffering. IT WILL HELP YOU. IT WILL!

I have had the opportunity to try 3 different Zappers over the past month. I purchased my first Zapper about five years ago from It is the 30,000 Hz Hulda Clark Zapper with Copper Handles. I have already written about the relief I found with this Zapper. I decided to buy a couple new Zappers to see if newer models were any better. I bought a Terminator II and a Zapper Z4ex from

The Z4ex came with wristbands and I ordered stainless steel handholds to go with it. I can definitively say I do not like the wristbands. They sting at times and I don't feel like wristbands offer the best conductivity. However, I am sure the stainless steel handholds are fine. I just wanted more mobility while zapping.

That is where the TerminatorII comes in. GREAT product. I see why it is a best seller. On the 2nd day of using it I noticed my entire torso was covered with tiny white raised bumps. I had read online that this is what happens when the parasites die and exit your body. I took photos which I will post. It is a little hard to see but I will post the best photos. The Terminator II is in constant contact with your skin and I think it has the best conductivity of the 3 that I have tried because of this. So, the others are good and definitely work but I recommend the Terminator II over all.

I am feeling great and I know the Zappers are the reason. The candida that had plagued me all year and spread to my brain is dying off too. I have even had a little sugar over the past few days without getting ill. This is major as I have not been able to tolerate sugar for a full year. I know sugar is bad for us whether you have Candida or not and I do not have a sweet tooth. I just have had such a strict regimen this past year it was a relief to have a bit of trail mix with M&M's in it and not get a migraine from the sugar. Sugar feeds the fungus in Candida and makes it grow rapidly. That is why I could not have it. I managed well with a restricted diet this year but it is a relief to know I am getting rid of it all with the Zapper. I will continue the healthy diet regardless.

I'm grateful for all of these health challenges because I have learned a great deal and can help others heal too. That is why I wrote this blog.

To your health and healing!

One Love

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have been having a rough year health wise. I was diagnosed with
Candida Albicans and more recently Morgellons. All Fungi/parasitic conditions that undermine your health and infect your body through intestines and brain and lymphatic system. I control the Candida through diet(no sugar, yeast, alcohol, fermented products, limited carbs). I thought I had it under control until I was recently diagnosed with Morgellons.

Morgellons Disease is horrible!! Critters you cannot see but feel crawling all over you 24/7, biting you constantly! You get these awful lesions as they burrow into your flesh and multiply. HORRIBLE!

Well, I was diagnosed about a week or so ago before it started to get real bad. My doctor gave me antibiotics and a homeopathic salve for the pink/red circular lesions that were starting to appear. Well, the antibiotics helped a particular lesion that was infected (my fault I was experimenting before I decided to go see my doctor) but I knew it was going to make my Candida worse. The salve helped the itching initially but it seemed to make the critters spread. They did not like the salve so they just moved away from it and multiplied! And then the salve did not help at all. I was defenseless!

So I went online to research about it and was horrified to see how Morgellons progresses and that doctors can't agree on what it is and really have no cure. All I knew was that the Candida and Morgellons are both fungus and/or parasitic conditions so I knew they were connected somehow.

I read about people online who had become suicidal over this and covered in horrible scabs and scars. Some are convinced its a gov't conspiracy of little mechanical demon robots terrorizing them. I could understand the insanity once I started getting really uncomfortable. Now I am not sure about mechanical fibers attacking us but I do think it is caused by our increasingly imbalanced environment. Inside and out. All Man Made Conditions.

There was no way I was going to be able to exist like this! It felt 100% miserable. Constant crawling and itching and biting! And it was only getting worse! Fast! Ahhhgh!It began spreading up my thighs and hips rapidly. By evening it was on my inner arms. This was just the beginning and I felt horrible. Like invisible insect were constantly crawling across my skin biting me over and over and over. Red sores were literally spreading before my eyes. Really,the worst.

So I kept up the research all day and night. Thank God I came across a forum that mentioned using a Hulda Clark Zapper! I had actually bought a zapper a few years ago to kill parasites but seeing as I was relatively healthy at the time I didn't particularly feel any different after zapping and shelved it.


I took that baby out and ZAPPED for 1 hour and the itching and crawling stopped! I couldn't believe it. So I did another hour and then another while I watched a movie. A very gloomy but excellent French film, La Jetee. The next day I did 4 hours straight. I also watched another movie, Elegy with Penelope Cruz and Ben Kingsley. Loved it! Lived it! But that is another story. Well, the itching and crawling has stopped about 99.9%! I still feel a little something here and there but continued zapping for 1 month should take care of it.
My body feels a little warm too. A battle rages inside and I am winning!

I say all of this to suggest that you get one for yourself and your family ASAP. CDC says the average person carries 2lbs of parasites! Not good. We don't realize the damage they do till our immune system is compromised and then they wreak havoc. That's what happened to me. But I feel great now and it only took 2 days! I'm on day 3 now and will do it for a month according to the protocol.

I have felt that "something" was in my brain for years making it hard to concentrate and just finish a good read. Now I know I have had parasites in my brain and throughout my entire body for years.

No More! I swear upon everything I love that the Zapper works and works fast! I have suffered from chronic fatigue, brain fog, migraines and depression for a full year. Sometimes all at once sometimes one or the other. Well, I've had mild to moderate depression for a long time but it became more severe under these conditions.

After a month of zapping I may try to go without my supplements for depression to see if it was the parasites all along but I am not sure about that. I do believe parasites/fungi make it worse and hard to treat. By the way I follow Dr. Amen's simple protocol for brain health and it has helped tremendously!

Zapping is safe for children even babies. But not pregnant women or people with pacemakers. Here is some info about it. File it away if you dare but it could seriously save a life! Get one as soon as you can.

FYI: I wouldn't shell out for the fancy digital versions. The basics do the trick so I do not see the benefit.

Do your research and don't try to find the cheapest one made by joe schmo! If it is made poorly it can make you worse.

The Zapper is a small electronic device developed by   Dr. Hulda Clark and her son, Geoff Clark, that delivers an electrical current to the body of approximately 7 to 8 volts, with some units going as high as 15 volts. The distinguishing feature of a zapper is that it is designed to produce a square wave with a frequency of about 30KHz (Kilohertz) to 32KHz.  There are some units that have frequencies much lower, as low as 15Hz, and some that even have variable frequencies.  The lower frequencies are supposed to make it easier for the current to penetrate into the body and be more effective.  Regardless of the frequency used, all Clark Zappers work on the same principle of a DC current with a square wave applied to the body through the use of wrist straps, handholds, conductive bands, pads, etc. Virtually all zappers use wrist straps or handholds.  Whatever method is used to make contact, it is recommended that you routinely switch positions to different parts of the body to promote penetration of the current to all areas and extremities.

I also will continue and improve on my regimen to strengthen my immune system. I use MMS(which is amazing!)and I will incorporate Traditional Chinese Medicine to repair my immune system. But there is no doubt it was the Zapper that turned my Morgellons around because that is all I had done different that day. It was such a huge difference it was unmistakably the Zapper. I feel blessed that I only suffered for a few days before I "discovered" this for myself. My heart goes out to anyone who is suffering. You do not have to suffer.

Do yourself and your loved ones a favor GET YOURSELF A ZAPPER ASAP!!!

There's No Physics Like Metaphysics!

From Don Crofts site:

All Terminator II models now have a lower frequency which other researchers have found to penetrate deeper than the frequencies generated by the original Clark design.

The TERMINATOR II has a neodimium magnet and 15Hz + a mobius coil. We've also begun substituting amethyst (purple) and garnet (crystals) for quartz. We're also using spherical crystals, which seem to have a stronger, smoother effect.

Neodimium (rare earth) magnets are much more powerful than any you can buy in a store. These are the ones you get in therapeutic devices from MLM companies. The magnet in the TERMINATOR, though, is much larger. It seems that the health benefits of magnets may be due to their orgone component. We'd like to hear the thoughts of others about that. As far as I know, Germany is the only place where the study of orgone is carried out in universities.

Mobius coils produce a very chaotic energy field when current is pulsed through them. We've found that the other components of the TERMINATOR seem to organize and focus this energy in the form of kundalini. The rare earth magnet intensifies the energy from the orgone generator, so that both kundalilni and orgone are present in greater strength. This has shown to have additional pain relief ability and an increase in awareness and vital energy, which are primary features of regular zappers.

Some care needs to be taken initially with the TERMINATOR, as this model also speeds up the body's elimination process. This happens through the skin and mucous membranes if there are lesions there. After the lesions have healed, the TERMINATOR can be worn as much as is desired without uncomfortable effects.

Early on, we discovered that simply killing parasites raises consciousness. It wasn't hard to make the connection between that and working with subtle energies. Weird science is hard science. Working with this kind of makes regular science look like simple mechanics & you might start to wonder why anyone would need to consult institutionalized scientists about this stuff.

We get a kick out of hearing the story of the mathmaticians who proved that bumble bees can't fly. I put institutionalized scientists in that category. The real pioneer work has always been done in garages and basements, not in well-equipped labs, funded by the government.

15Hz is apparently the target frequency to which the Schumann (earth) resonance has been increasing for the past several years. As of 9/21, 2000, we believe that is about 12.5Hz.

We believe that the increasing earth frequency is synonymous with the current paradigm shift taking place, so we are making that frequency available in the zapper to sort of get us used to it.


2012 UPDATE: 

IF YOU ARE STRAPPED FOR CASH, MOST OF US ARE, TRY THIS ONE:  Don Croft the maker of the Terminator II recommends the Basic Zapper for an affordable option.


Don Croft Terminator II
Modified from the original circuit published by Dr. Hulda Clark, the Terminator is manufactured by Don Croft. Don made the Terminator very small and attached the electrodes to the box. It's used by simply turning it on and putting it anywhere on the body where the electrodes can touch the skin.
Stick it in your sock against your ankle or strap it on your arm with an arm band. According to Don Croft, after an initial detox (very important!), you can use it continuously, up to 24 hours per day if need be, for very efficient and effective zapping.
Don developed a method of relaxing the body's natural defenses against electric current. This resistance makes it uncomfortable for some people to wear a zapper for very long. Don found that long periods of zapping is sometimes crucial in overcoming the more virulent parasites, such as Lyme disease and genital herpes. Other zapper makers have increased the current of their zappers in an attempt to increase their effectiveness. The result is their zapper is more effective in the short term, but is much more uncomfortable to wear, so very few people persevere with it.
The crystals used in the Terminator are a bridge between the user and the device which causes the electric current to be more compatible with the tissues. The Terminator is a totally unique product that has many wonderful features, including a Neodimium magnet, 2 spherical crystals, an Orgone generator, and a Mobius coil.


According to
Many Zappers out there seem to have some modification that in one way or another deviates from Dr. Hulda Clark's published design. For instance there are zappers out there that are digital, and Dr. Clark's design is Analog. There are several zappers out there that output a complete different frequency than what is published by Dr. Clark, and yet they still call their device a Hulda Clark Zapper.
There are only two Zapper frequencies that Dr. Clark has published to date. Dr. Clark's original circuit, the 30 kHz Zapper is the most famous. (30kHz can also be written as 30,000 Hz). Dr. Clark's latest published circuit called, the Food Zappicator has a 1000 Hz output.
So there you have it, the two choices are: 30 kHz or 1000 Hz. If you would like to experiment with the exact circuit as described in Dr. Clark's books, the "Frequency Generation" brand Zapper is a great choice.

According to Don Croft:

We challenge anyone to rationally explain why the cycle of 7/20 was recommended. We've never had a bad report from our "fellow researchers" (customers) regarding extended use of the zapper and we've worn it around the clock without any discomfort or symptoms. Anyway--Dr. Clark has finally come around to recommending long zapping sessions.
We made the zapper smaller and attached the electrodes to the box. We have had a great many responses from our customers confirming that this design, being more convenient and inconspicuous, gets adequate usage to do the job. The addition of subtle energies has even made it pleasant and energizing to wear a zapper.
Who will go through the daily ritual of holding onto the electrodes for the requisite 3 weeks, twice daily? Besides--the higher costs of most other zappers is out of range for many people.
Our goal is to mass produce these in order to reduce the cost further. We feel that the simplicity of this technology is difficult for most engineers and health professionals to comprehend.
We sell many zappers to folks who already have more expensive and complicated versions, because the ease of use of this one is hard to beat and it obviously does the same work and then some.


Living With Morgellons

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."-Kahlil Gibran

  • living with constant crawling, itching and biting sensations.
  • having skin lesions, some small and superficial, others deep non-healing wounds, which break out all over your body and extrude strange, unidentifiable fibers.
  • experiencing such cognitive and neurological decline that you are no longer able to work.
  • watching your children suffer from a disease that is not recognized and has no known cure.
  • going to your doctor for help and being told that your symptoms are purely psychosomatic.
  • feeling so physically ill, and feeling so completely alone and abandoned by medicine...

What is Morgellons?

"Morgellons is an unexplained
and debilitating condition that has emerged as a public health concern. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has received an increased number of inquiries from the public, health care providers, public health officials, Congress, and the media regarding this condition." - Morgellons Research Foundation


Zapper FAQs

What is a zapper? A zapper is defined by Dr. Hulda Clark as a battery operated DC pulse (positive offset) generator with an output amplitude of 5 to 10 volts (open circuit) and a frequency between 10 Hz and 500KHz (10 to 500,000 pulses per second), with a current limited output. Note: Our Auto-Zap zapper puts out 2500 DC pulses per second with full 9 volt battery voltage, with a 1000 ohm current limiting impedance.

What does a zapper do? How does it work? According to Dr. Clark's research and our personal experience, the tiny zapper current subtly energizes the bloodstream. This enables the body to "take out the trash," including parasites large and small, bacteria and most viruses. It happens quickly, in about an hour. The white blood cells digest the dead invaders and they are flushed out via the kidneys.

Is it safe? Yes. Zappers have been used by hundreds of thousands of people of all ages for a number of years, with no harm reported. You may feel worse at the start as the parasites die off, but this is usually gone within a few days. Dr. Clark recommends against using the zapper early in pregnancy.

Should I still take the herbal parasite cleanse if I have a Zapper? You certainly may if you wish. The black walnut tincture is good for clearing your gut quickly. With the zapper alone it takes longer. If you have a serious concern, by all means take the herbs as well.

Are the kidney and liver cleanses safe if I'm zapping? Yes, according to Dr. Clark.

What are your recommendations for the use of the Zapper? Dr. Clark recommends daily use for the first month, with regular use after that. Many people use it every other day or so for maintenance. Our instructions cover other application hints, and we are as near as your phone or email if you have questions.

Can you give me a list of ailments/detoxifying/general health maintenance for which this machine is suitable? Legally we are not allowed to offer medical advice of any sort. Please see Dr. Hulda Clark's book, "The Cure for All Diseases," for a full listing. Her basic conclusion is that the zapper is an excellent general tonic and prophylactic (preventative) tool.

Why are some "zappers" cheaper than others? Although, as with anything, generally you get what you pay for, we have a variety of models with a wide range of prices. All of our zappers have been hand-picked and were chosen because they offer excellent quality with extremely low failure/return rates, plus they are all based on Dr. Clark's research. These products are designed for lifetime purchase and use. They are not cheap disposables to be used for a while and then thrown away and purchased again.

Why don't you supply wrist bands with all models? Some people (and manufacturers) feel they don't work as well. The wrist bands have been tested and used for a number of years now and some people still find them inadequate, citing the following problems:

  • Inadequate contact area: they contact best at the outer and inner edges of the wrist, not on the flat top and bottom areas. Handholds and foot pads give much larger contact area.
  • Inadequate contact pressure: the straps cannot press hard enough to firmly contact the top and bottom of the wrist, or they would cut off circulation to the hand.
  • Inadequate moisture to ensure good contact: it is very difficult to keep the wrist band contact area moist for the duration of the zapping session. Dr. Clark recommends keeping damp paper towel layers between skin and contact to prevent ions from being driven into the skin. This is very inconvenient to do with wrist bands.

We supply both types of units to give you a choice. Our Auto-Zap, the RSG-1 Combo, and the RSG-4 Sweep Zapper come with the copper handholds. The Zapper C3i, GammaWave Generator, and the Super Zapper DeLuxe 2006 Biowave Generator have wrist straps. We've personally used both types and still haven't decided which is better. The wrist strap units are definitely easier to use, while the handhold units are more flexible. You will have to decide which is better for you until more definitive answers come along. Also, don't overlook our Terminator Zapper. It doesn't use handholds or wrist straps and is probably the easiest and most convenient zapper to use. We also have a variety of Handholds, straps, conductive slippers, and contact pads that can be attached to most of our zappers.

By the way, if you decide to buy a wrist band unit, be aware that most cannot connect to hand holds or foot pads if you want to use them. Their wires end in snap fasteners instead of alligator clips. It's easy to make a new set of wires with alligator clips, though. A quick visit to any Radio Shack can supply all you need very cheaply.

What are foot pads? Foot pads are a pair of contact plates about 3"x 12" made from flat sheet metal (22-26 gauge) or even aluminum kitchen foil. They are held by the copper alligator clips that normally connect to the copper handholds. Fold a paper towel on top of each pad, then dampen them with about a teaspoon of warm water. Place your feet on top of the plates and hit the Start button. Foot pads work well as you use a computer, read or watch TV.

Do you supply footpads? We do not supply foot pads because they cost more to ship than to obtain at a local sheet metal shop. Use aluminum foil to test the concept, and for traveling. We do offer Conductive Slippers with dome snaps for easy connection to most of our zappers.

Why does the Auto-Zap use 2.5 kHz when Dr. Clark's circuit produces 30kHz?. Because it works better at 2.5 kHz. This was confirmed in October 1995 with Dr. Hulda Clark herself. The lower frequency allows deeper penetration of the current due to the "skin effect." Tests with a local naturopath have shown a marked increase of effectiveness against fungi, with no sacrifice in effectiveness on other critters. If you check the top of page 15 in Dr. Clark's books, you will see that the frequency range she gives for zapping is from 10Hz to 500,000 Hz.

Why does the Terminator zapper use 15 Hz? Because it works better! As mentioned above the lower frequency allows deeper penetration of the current due to the "skin effect."

Why do you recommend using the Terminator continuously for days on end? The designer of the Terminator developed a method of relaxing the body's natural defenses against electric current. It's this resistance that makes a zapper uncomfortable for some people to wear for very long. Some researchers have found that long periods of zapping is sometimes crucial in overcoming more virulent parasites, such as Lyme disease and genital herpes.

Other zapper makers have increased the current of their zappers to try to get more benefit. The result is their zapper is more effective in the short term, but is much more uncomfortable to wear, so very few people persevere with it. The Terminator can USUALLY be worn up to 24 hours per day without problem after an initial detox has been completed over a period of a few days to a week or so. WARNING: If you attempt to use the Terminator too long, too quickly, you may experience significant burns on your skin. You MUST give your body and your skin time to acclimate to the Terminator to prevent problems. DON"T EVEN THINK about using it for more than a few hours at a time for the first few days. ONLY USE OVERNIGHT AFTER YOU KNOW YOU CAN HANDLE IT!

Do your Zappers have negative pulses coming out? No, none whatsoever. They fully meet Dr. Clark's specification for a "positively offset" DC signal.

What about AC adapters instead of batteries? A friend wrote, "I am interested in your zapper, but I read another zapper info page and got confused. He claims that using an AC adaptor (and his power supply circuit) is better than using a battery. Help."

Dr. Clark is adamant about battery power for safety, and I agree. The higher output voltage is not an advantage either, according to Dr. Clark's research: she specifies 5 to 10 volts. On page 15 of her book, The Cure for All Diseases, Dr. Clark states:

"Subsequent testing showed it [the zapper effect] was not due to some unique design, or special wave form produced by the device. It was due to battery operation! Any positively offset frequency kills all bacteria, viruses and parasites simultaneously given sufficient voltage (5 to 10 volts), duration (seven minutes), and frequency (anything from 10 Hz to 500,000 Hz)."

I think the reason some like AC power is that it stops battery life complaints from customers. The manufacturer of our Auto-Zap took a different route. They made the Auto-Zap so efficient it goes a year and a half on one 9 volt battery if used one hour a day. Our other zappers will usually last for months on one battery with daily use.

Is the zapper like a Rife device? No, the Rife "pad type" devices such as the AstroPulse Model D and others are simply overpriced ($1295-1995 US) AC signal generators. They do not "zap", because they do not put out DC pulses like the Auto-Zap zapper.

By the way, note carefully the "Money back guarantee" AstroPulse offers: you get 75% of your money back if you return the unit within 30 days. They keep 25% of your money (enough to buy several zappers!) for "restocking."

What is the best time to zap ? Any time is fine. I usually strap on a unit whenever I'm in front of the TV for any length of time or have an hour or so that I'm going to be sitting relatively still. Zap with foot pads first thing in the morning or put the foot pads under a desk at your computer. If I'm too busy during the day, I sometimes grab a zapper as I go to sleep. The auto-timing units are great for that since it times the complete cycle for you, all you do is hit the start button. With the non-timed units make sure you use them for the recommended 7-20-7-20-7 minute cycle or use continuously at least an hour. Find a way that works well for you.

How does the Auto-Zap compare to the others available? I am having some difficulty selecting the most appropriate model. The Auto-Zap goes much farther than the circuit in Dr. Clark's books (which is in 99% of the zappers offered on the Web). I use and recommend the Auto-Zap zapper for these reasons:

- it has a fully automatic timer built in to do an approx. 60 minute cycle recommended by Dr. Clark

- the lower frequency penetrates deeper

- it gives over 500 hours of zapping on a single 9 volt alkaline battery: about 10 times longer than the competition (18 months if you use it one full cycle per day)

- it has a failsafe sensor LED light to show when you have good contact and proper connections

- it is ruggedly built with full protection against static electricity and reversed battery damage

- it has a beeper to tell you when it is turning the pulse output on and off (so you don't have to hold the hand-holds during the 21 minute rest periods)

- it has an automatic battery load test every time you turn it on

How does the Terminator Zapper compare to the others available? The Terminator is a totally unique zapper with features not found on any other model as far as we know. The Terminator uses a 15 hertz (not 15K or 30K, etc.) frequency for excellent penetration. It also has a Neodimium magnet, 2 spherical crystals, an Orgone generator, and a Mobius strip. It's very small and has no handholds or wrist straps to hold onto or strap on. The electrodes consist of two pennies bonded to the case. You simply put the unit against your skin anywhere on your body and turn it on. It can be stuck into a sock against your ankle or in your waistband, use a sweatband to hold it against your wrist, or use a glove and slide it inside against your palm. Basically, anywhere you can put it where the pennies/electrodes are in contact with your skin is okay. The recommended use is full-time, 24 hours per day for a full month (an initial detox period of 30 minutes to a few hours per day for a few days is highly recommended), then use as you see fit. It's easy to wear and has minimal impact - the easiest to use Zapper ever.

Will they let me through airport security with a zapper? Although we can't guarantee anything, we have had numerous customers take zappers along on trips without problems. You might want to put the unit in your checked bags and make sure you let baggage inspectors know you are carry a "bio-feedback relaxation" device.

Can I use the zapper while taking antibiotics? Yes, it does not conflict according to Dr. Clark and others.

What is "plate zapping"? Recently Dr. Hulda Clark has announced that the effect of the zapper can be intensified and targeted to specific parasites in specific organs by "plate zapping." A box with two metal plates on top (sold by Self Health Resource Center as the "ZapPlate") is connected to one lead of the zapper and slides of the parasite and target organ are placed on the plates. See the next question for more details. The ZapPlate is simply two metal plates on a plastic box, wired together, with an RCA phono jack on the side. You can make your own: it is just like the Syncrometer plate box supplied with the Syncrometer from Self Health and described in the book.

How do I do "plate zapping"? "I ordered the test plates and digestive slides from Self Health. I have them now but I can not figure out what to do. I want to target my wife's stomach and its contents. Do you know how I would hook up a Zapper with the plates and the slides? You simply plug the wire from the test plate box into the socket on your Zapper where the wrist strap or copper handholds normally go. Then plug the original zapper plug into the back of the new plug: it has a socket that allows this. Plug in the other wires as usual.

Place the stomach tissue slide on one plate and the bacteria slide on the other. Then grab the handholds and zap as usual. According to Dr. Clark, the zapping ("plate zapping") is now targeted more effectively to the bacteria in the stomach.

If a known pathogen was in a known body part, would it work better if the hand-holds were nearer that body part instead of hands? It might. Dr. Clark's recent work suggests that the zapper effect can be intensified or localized by "plate zapping" - see above.

Do you recommend using damp paper towel around the hand holds, or to hold them as they are? Yes, wrap them as we instruct you. DO NOT hold the bare metal, as the electrical signal could drive metal ions into the skin. Always use at least two layers of paper towel but no more.

Does it hurt to put the hand-holds on other parts of the body instead of using hands: is it as effective using it on arms, chest or abdomen, legs or feet? The effect seems to be systemic via the bloodstream, but feel free to experiment. Try to get at least four square inches of solid contact area on each contact point to prevent skin irritation.

Do you give full instructions re frequencies used for each health problem? The single frequency we use is all it takes. According to Dr. Hulda Clark's latest research, the zapper stimulates the bloodstream and immune system in a subtle way, enabling your own body to "take out the trash", including parasites, bacteria and most viruses. The pulses from the zapper do not electrocute anything, as they are a safe low-voltage and low-current signal.

Does having metal anywhere in the body (such as crowns on one's teeth) affect the benefits of using the zapper? Not that we are aware of, as the zapper seems subtly to stimulate the bloodstream and immune system, according to Dr. Clark's research.

Are there any long-term side effects from long-term electrical current use on the body? One hears of clusters of child cancers in areas close to major power lines, for instance. None have been observed or reported, as far as we know. Power line effects are due to high strength alternating magnetic fields, while the zapper uses very weak DC current pulses similar to natural nerve impulses. Zappers have been used successfully with kids as young as 1 month.

Can I use the zapper to make colloidal silver? No. Colloidal Silver makers are a different item. For that use our Silver Maker or the Silver Pulser.

The shiny copper pipes that you hold onto tarnish quite quickly- is that normal? Also, how often should you replace them? The handholds last indefinitely. The tarnish or darkening is harmless, and does not affect their effectiveness. You can remove it by soaking the pipes in a cup of warm vinegar with a teaspoon of salt in it or using any type of scrubbing pad. We rarely do that, though.

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